Transform Hotel Management

Transform your hotel operations by going digital. Get unprecedented visibility into team accountability and guest communication. Keep a finger on the pulse of operations and instantly message the whole team.
Hotel Objectives and Key Results (OKR)

Hotel Objectives and Key Results (OKR)

Objectives help align your entire staff towards a hotel-wide goal: more loyalty signups, improved guest service, more TripAdvisor reviews etc. To achieve an objective, it must be tied to key results that are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound.
Hotel Sales CRM

Close More Sales Deals

HelloShift Sales CRM is built for how hotels operate — it adds the front desk to the sales team and uses collaboration to turn a sale into guest success by bringing together the entire team.
Hotel Knowledge Base

Hotel Knowledge Base for Shared Documents

Wiki is your central place to share any and all kinds of important information with your staff. For example, any document you have in paper form in a binder can be cut and pasted in the Wiki - vacation policy, staff directory, training materials, PMS instructions, etc.
Operation Report

Track Portfolio-Wide Operations

You can track portfolio-wide performance, slice and dice by various attributes like time, department, user, issues etc. These actionable reports allow you to drill down for details. e.g. find and take corrective action on overdue tasks, thereby moving those tasks forward.
Guest Requests

AI-Powered Guest Service

AI-powered guest request handling and guest surveys.
Multiple Properties

Manage Multiple Properties

Track portfolio-wide operations. Summary report and quick drill down. Real-time insights.

“ I have never used a product I feel so positive about. In the hotel business, communication is the key to success. Instead of combing through logbooks I see all communication on one screen, from my phone or computer. My staff is more accountable; I don't have to be on site because I track everything and communicate with them in real-time. ”

Dimitar Stanev, VP Operations, Engage Hospitality

HelloShift is cloud-based and works across web, iOS, & Android apps.

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